Friday, March 12, 2010

My Bookshelf

Some bloggers have been posting about what's on their bookshelf so I thought I would post a picture of my bookshelves.Here are five books from the shelf:

1)Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
2)The Mark of a Man by Elisabeth Elliot
3)60 Civil War-Era Fashion Patterns by Kristina Seleshanko
4)Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
5)Romance God's Way by Eric and Leslie Ludy

Currently I'm reading The Railway Children by E Nesbitt.


Cora Beth said...

Thank you for guessing on my mystery picture. :)

My family and I really enjoy "The Railway Children", the book and the movie--especially Phyllis in the movie!

I was just curious... Do you keep the Sabbath? I noticed that you have a couple songs about the Sabbath/Shabbat on your playlist and it made me wonder. We've kept the 7th-day Sabbath for 14 years now, I think it is, and have been so blessed by the rest and peace we have that day--outside of the conflicts it makes in a lot of our relationships with extended family members and some friends!

Robert said...

I don't keep the 7th day Sabbath.I have been thinking about it since I've read some articles and a book on that and the Jewish aspects of early Christianity.

I enjoy the music from The Fiddler on the Roof.

Miss Ra'chel said...

I have only read one of those titles: Little Women, tho I have read quite a few other books. :) I thoroughly enjoyed it tho! :) One of my favourite books now. I haven't read any other books by LMA, because we don't have any. We do have S&S by Jane Austen, but I haven't read it yet. I was just thinking tonight how much I want to read a good book. :) Maybe I'll find it out of the books and read it!

blessings and shalom! and Shabbat Shalom since it is almost that time. :)